On Wed, November 18, 2009 2:35 pm, Raul Fernandes wrote: >>>> I have been maintaining and improving KDE3 for Ubuntu for a while now, >>>> and >>>> have accumulated a massive set of patches that: >>>> * Add lots of functionality >>>> * Fix old bugs >>>> * Allow compilation on new systems > > I think it is great. There are some users that still use KDE 3 even if > the KDE 4 has improved a lot. > You are not alone. ;-) > There are some people that continues to use linux 2.2 and mantain it. > You can get your patches into KDE SVN commiting them yourself or send > to someone else if you don't have the permissions. > KDE 3 is in http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/. > You can clone the repository using git and publish it with your > patches in gitorious before someone commit your patches. It will easy > the review of your patches. > > Raul Fernandes > rgfernandes@gmail.com > Hi Raul, I don't have the required permissions in KDE SVN; how would I go about obtaining them for the KDE3 trunk? Thanks! Timothy Pearson >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<