2009/11/3 Harald Sitter : > Hellos! > > As you might have heared, Kubuntu is fighting to improve itself and > the user's KDE experience [1]. To make that happen we need your input. > Since KDE is one of the primary reasons Kubuntu is existing at all, it > is all the more important that we provide a flawless KDE experience > (something that did not always work out in the past). Hey, I listed what I feel are the most important things, without this trying to just be a bug dump :-) I think you were after 1) At every startup since 9.10, I get told that Akonadi didn't start. No clues about what Akonadi is, or how it will affect me. Please check upgrades, and check that they work without these errors. 2) Several apps crash when I shutdown the computer. KNetworkManager for one. How did this get past QA? Or is this Just Me again? 3) Language support is still broken, and has been for many releases. It is still a lot of trouble just to get basic Japanese input. Setting this up inside of Ubuntu for everyone shouldn't be that much work - it's just a case of properly setting up ibus. 4) Firefox integration would be nice. Fedora switched to firefox by default everywhere, and integrated firefox in nicely. e.g have the proper file-open dialog. 5) Clicking on any file in the download box in firefox opens the file in okular. Messed up mimetype somewhere? 6) kmix by default does not show the volumes for microphones, and somewhere their default volume to 0. And skype doesn't fix this automatically. This was frustrating :-) 7) Are we getting a KDE version of Ubuntu Software Center? 8) The knetworkmanager thing is still way too complicated for typing in a password. On windows you have a _single_ password entry box. That's it. None of this faffing about with having to first select from between 5(!) different options in the first combo box (None, WEP, LEAP, etc) then having to chose the key type, etc.. Work with Will Stephenson on this and make this Just Work. John >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<