If I've got some spare time I could try to give help for porting. I'm the Italian translator of Kooka when it was in KDE 3 :) . I used so much time that application.
Sorry if I ask (I didn't followed all the thread) can you summerize in few words why don't help skanlite instead of backing back to life Kooka :) ?


2009/10/20 Jonathan Marten <jjm2@keelhaul.demon.co.uk>
Eduard Huguet <eduardhc@gmail.com> writes:
> I'll start looking at the code ASAP. You said there still were some
> qt3 support classes that needed migration, didn't you? I'll start with
> these, if you don't mind.

Yes, please do of course.  Actually, having looked back at the code
now, there aren't that many Q3 classes left - those remaining are
Q3*GroupBox, Q3ButtonGroup, Q3AsciiDict and one instance of
Q3ScrollView.  There is also K3FileTreeView, for which much of the API
uses Q3ListView classes.

Regards, Jonathan

Jonathan Marten                         http://www.keelhaul.demon.co.uk
Twickenham, UK                          jjm2@keelhaul.demon.co.uk