I'd like to know if there is any possibility to start porting Kooka project to KDE4 on my own. I've been watching the Kooka project page lately (http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Kooka), but it seems that the project is currently stuck in a "slept" state for some time yet...

I'm aware of the existence of the Skanlite project, but however I consider that Kooka is, right now, a fairly superior scanning application for KDE that it's really worth the effort of migrating it.

How should I proceed? I have some background in general Qt3 and Qt4 developing (including porting issues), and general experience working with KDE API. I'm well aware of the difficulty of the process, but nevertheless I'd like to at least try to do it (can't promise any results, though...)

Best regards,
  Eduard Huguet

PS: I've started by taking the original source code from Kooka site and converting it to use CMake build system instead of Autotools. Currently I've just started migrating classes, but I just prefer to announce it here just in case anyone is also trying to do it, or else this could cause any kind of imaginable  trouble...