On Wednesday, September 30, 2009, Albert Astals Cid wrote: > A Dimecres, 30 de setembre de 2009, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas va escriure: > > I'm interested in KMid, and very sorry for the orphan. > > You can always adopt it ;-) Right. In one way or another, this is something I'm seriously considering. I really want a good MIDI/Karaoke player for Linux, and KMid has several very interesting features: * Playback to external MIDI devices. * Allow to use software synths as well, like Timidity++ and QSynth/FluidSynth. * Change tempo and volume control. I want to add a key (transpose) control as well. * Independent MIDI channel mute control. * Support for many character encodings for lyrics, and configurable fonts. Some of my short-term goals for KMid are: * Remove the deprecated OSS /dev/sequencer interface support. It has been dropped from OSSv4, anyway. * A fair ALSA sequencer implementation: don't create/destroy the client and port instances on each play/pause/stop action. This would allow the usage of KMid with a MIDI Patch Bay application like aconnect, kaconnect and qjackctl. * Avoid using fork/kill for play/pause/stop actions. I can provide some experience on KDE and ALSA MIDI applications, as contributions to Rosegarden and other Linux-audio projects, and as author of several projects at sourceforge.net: * virtual MIDI piano keyboard, http://vmpk.sourceforge.net * kmetronome, http://kmetronome.sourceforge.net * kmidimon, http://kmetronome.sourceforge.net/kmidimon * aseqmm library, http://kmetronome.sourceforge.net/aseqmm The last one is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt4 objects, idioms and style. Used in KMetronome and KMidimon, it would be useful to revamp KMid. Regards, Pedro >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<