> Ah, OK. Looking through > http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/sysadmin/shaman/ > Shaman seems almost dead as well. Most stuff in there wasn't touched for > 6 months or longer. > Too bad all you guys aren't working together.... Well we do not work together since we aim different users/objetives > For the manual part I may be able to help. > Nice :D , I learned how to do them for Policykit-kde, but still not had time to do the same for Kpk. > BTW: What's the best way to suggest improvements to KPackageKit? Private > e-mail? KDE Forums? Bugzilla? > I'm somewhat capable in usability topics. Private email seems to work dantt85-pk (is easier for me), I have lots of things I`d like to improve (easy to do), but time is a problem... I`m working on an apt backend written in cpp and my focus is on making it usefull so I can use it on my Debian system that`s one of the reasons I couldn`t improve kpk soo much.. Thanks, Daniel. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados http://br.maisbuscados.yahoo.com >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<