Thanks will try out what you suggested.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Andreas Pakulat <> wrote:
On 17.06.09 10:46:23, Charles Abela wrote:
> newbie questions:
> I have Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE4, and I want to start experimenting with some
> development using QTCreator (Qt 4.5.1) . I am following the tutorials on KDE
> TechBase and the issue is that from within QtCreator I cannot access the KDE
> libraries. There does not seem to be a way in which I can add the path to
> the KDE libraries packaged with Kubuntu to QTCreator. What am I missing? Any
> help is greatly appreciated.

You need to create a CMake project in Qt Creator, qmake is not a
buildsystem supported by KDE. And you'll have to understand cmake syntax to
write the needed cmake project files to find and use KDE4 libs and headers.
You could use kapptemplate from the kdesdk package to create a basic KDE
app and import that into Creator.

Or you could use KDE's IDE, KDevelop instead which will allow you to create
working KDE applications out of the box (if kdesdk is installed). Its not
been released as stable yet, but AFAIK Kubuntu has the last beta packaged


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