2009/5/23 Raphael Kubo da Costa : > Hi there, > > There's some code that was imported into Ark a few years ago > (plugins/bk) that is licensed as GPLv2-only. We need the author to > relicense it to comply to KDE's licensing policy, but he doesn't have > SVN access. Is it enough to just ask him and say he OK'd it in the > commit message? Do we need to do anything else so that the process > looks as transparent as possible? I've been in contact with the author and after some exchanged e-mails he said "I have heard from a KDE guy that there are plenty of contributors to KDE who will not relicence their software GPL3 and that's perfectly fine, it's only required for a very few projects. So I won't do it either". After reading the licensing policy article in Techbase I felt GPLv2-only code wasn't allowed. Is it perfectly fine or not? Does this code need to be removed from the tree? >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<