Hi, I'm developing a library for KDE and I wondered whether an improvement over it could serve as a project for Google Summer of Code or not. A little background first. The library is called KTutorial. It is a library for interactive tutorials in KDE applications. Tutorials are embedded in the application itself, and reacts to user actions: waits for some task to be accomplished, warns if something wasn't done as it should, etcetera. It is like a mix between the Real Time Strategy games in-game tutorials and Eclipse cheat sheets. Right now, the library is just a prototype and tutorials must be written in C++ and shipped with the application itself. I'm going to enable Kross on KTutorial, so tutorials can be scripted. I have been planning this since a year ago, but sadly due to university duties it was impossible for me. However, I'm going to work on KTutorial as my final year project in Computer Engineering, so my student duties won't be an obstacle again. The webpage can be seen at http://csl2-ktutorial.forja.rediris.es, although I'm planning on moving it to SourceForge.net (it resides in a Spanish forge due to "historical reasons"). Enough background, now to the GSoC proposal. I expect that, when the GSoC coding phase begins, KTutorial will support scripted tutorials and it will have a more mature set of features. However, even if this state is reached, KTutorial will still have a problem: writing tutorials will be mostly limited to coders. The GSoC project would be to develop a visual editor for tutorials, so they could be easily created by non-coders. The flow of a tutorial is implemented using conditions (like "wait for button ok to be pressed") that, when satisfied, make the tutorial advance to a new step. The editor would manage a reasonably wide range of conditions, those more likely to be needed in a tutorial (for example, waiting a KAction to be triggered, but not waiting for a tooltip to be shown), but it will also be extensible, so new conditions could be easily plugged into it. That would be the (very) summarized GSoC proposal. And now, do you feel this idea is worth applying for? Does it seem like a feature interesting enough for GSoC? Should I address someone specific to talk about it? Also note that, although it is designed for KDE, it has nothing to do with KDE yet (I mean, I'm sure this is the first time you read that KTutorial even existed ;) ). Also, although not related to SoC, if you are an application developer, please take into account that at this moment it is only a prototype. It lacks a lot of features, so don't feel disappointed if you take a look to it and see that it isn't what you expected :) Thanks for your attention. Regards, Daniel >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<