I was able to turn off Plasma with Kevin's instruction (editing plasma.desktop in share/autostart). But there is a problem in that KWin will not repaint the background.  I set the background color with xsetroot -solid blue, but as windows are dragged around Kwin will not fill the windows path with blue. 

I think there is a environment variable to resolve this kwin painting issue.  Is this true, can some tell me what it is ?

Thanks again,


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer@gmx.at> wrote:
On Tuesday 24 March 2009, David Boosalis wrote:
> Can someone tell me from what script plasma starts up from.  We wish to
> disable it for our embedded device.
> Thanks in advance for any help

Plasma Desktop is autostarted through the standard autostart mechanism, i.e,
there is a respective .desktop file in one of the directories for that
service type, see
 % kde4-config --path autostart

Removing that file or an additional entry

in the [Desktop Entry] section should theoretically prohibit the autostarting.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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