Yeah, definitely it would be great
if you use policykit on that.

but right now i think you should
wait for we update to the lastest
policykit version and fix all standing
issues appointed in this list
then adding this would be very nice.


De: John Tapsell <>
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 12 de Março de 2009 3:57:59
Assunto: Re: PolicyKit integration in KDE take 2: Tutorials on Techbase

2009/3/11 Dario Freddi <>:
> Hi all,
> I have just finished writing a small series of tutorials on using PolicyKit
> with KDE on Techbase. Find them here:
> The first is an introduction, the second is a step-by-step guide on how to
> create a secure helper for performing actions as root in your applications.

In the System Activity  process list  (when you press ctrl+esc),
sometimes the user wants to kill a process they don't own.  Currently
the code just calls "kdesu kill somepid".

Should I be using policy kit for this?

John Tapsell

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