A Dijous, 26 de febrer de 2009, Jonathan Marten va escriure: > Hello all, > > I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have tried to do this, or > have worked around it. But I'd be interested to know if there is a > standard way to achieve what would seem to be "the right thing" from > an application. > > Especially for saving, there doesn't seem to be any way, using the > static functions in KFileDialog, to specify both a "last used starting > directory" and a "suggested file name". There is the 'startDir' > parameter, and this can be "kfiledialog:///keyword" to specify the the > saved location keyword, but using this option there is no way to > specify a suggested file name. Or this parameter can be the suggested > file name, but in this case there is no way to specify a saved > location keyword. Or it can be a full URL, specifying a directory and > filename, but in this case there is no support for the saved location > keyword. > > So an application which tries to remember its save location, for example > extragear/base/konq-plugins/webarchiver/plugin_webarchiver.cpp, saves > the last-used-directory itself in its config file. This works, but > defeats the purpose of having the KFileDialog keyword support. Having > every application doing its own thing can't be good for coding > consistency, if nothing else. krecentdirs.h is not installed, so I > assume that this class is intended for internal use by kfile only. > > The other option seems to be to explicitly create a KFileDialog > instead of using the static functions, then the keyword can be > specified in the constructor and the suggested file name set with > setSelection(). But in this case, there's no point having the more > convenient static functions. > > I've had some thoughts about how this (apparent) anomaly could be > fixed, but would just like to confirm that I haven't missed anything > first... I've had in my todo file adding a new method to KFileDialog so you can both state a kfiledialog:///keyword and a suggested name for ages so it would be cool if you can do a patch that does it ;-) Albert > > Regards, > Jonathan >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<