HI KKDE maintainers.
Lword & other koffice applications core dump on startup and it occurs in kfilewidget.cpp.  I am talking about  building koffice and klibs out of the svn repository

The change that fixes is to apply checks for null pointers in KFileWidget::showEvent().  I don't know what these pointers are, and perhaps it is an error in koffice applications, but a simple check as shown below does catch the error and allow kword to come up. 

void KFileWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)

  if (d) {  // this is a new check
    if ( !d->hasView ) { // delayed view-creation
      if (d->ops) { // this is a new check
        d->ops->setView( KFile::Default );
        d->ops->view()->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum ) );
        d->hasView = true;
    if (d->ops) // this is a new check
