Pierre schrieb: > On Sunday 13 July 2008 21:00:17 Erik de Groot wrote: > >> Indeed it is a very good idea to put experiences of people on a wiki >> because we cannot expect people to crawl through mailing lists to get the >> best nvidia driver settings once KDE 4.1 is out in the field. When they >> have no access to information on this in a reasonably comfortable way, they >> will definitively blame KDE for this problem. >> > I suggest we should do even more : put at least a link to this information in > the KDE 4.1 release note, and clearly explain that the nvidia driver has > problems, and that it's not KDE's fault (that's what some people said on > nvnews forum...) > > Yes, I think that would be a good idea. I also first thought that KDE 4.1 isn't well optimized. I searched in the web for some optimization tweaks but didn't find much. I thought ok, its a beta version and the problems might be fixed in the 4.1 release. Then I looked at the kde-devel list and found out that's a nvidia problem. But I only know this now because I'm reading the kde-devel list from time to time. An average user won't do that... >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<