2008/6/7 Robert Wood <robert.wood@apostrophe.co.uk>:
I'm trying to develop a little open source application to set-up and use
Hauppauge boxes on Linux. I'm using KDevelop and have got to the stage
where I can set-up the box and alter its settings just fine. However,
what I would now like to do is embed a small mplayer Window within my

It looks like QXEmbed is what I need to use, but no matter what I have
tried I cannot get it to work. Someone helped by showing me how to do it
qt4, but I'd really like to do it with the qt3 libraries as, AFAIK, most
distributions come with qt3 libraries and not qt4 for the moment.

I have tried the following code (sorry for horrible formatting):

       QXEmbed *eframe = new QXEmbed(this);
       QProcess *mp = new QProcess(eframe);

       mp->addArgument(QString("-wid ") + QString::number(eframe->winId()));

       if (!mp->start())
               textLabel1->setText("The application has not started");

Now, I think *maybe* I need something like the next line (I realise it's
not correct code):


This doesn't work properly. You can see that eframe is being created
because it overwrites an existing button, but mplayer is just not
started. I have tried the same with konsole and the closest I could get
was to remove the line where it is passed the window ID of eframe and
then it would just run as a stand alone application.

I am guessing that I am close to achieving what I need to do, but after
several days of trying am getting nowhere at all.

Would anyone be able to advise? I really would be most grateful!

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I think you're missing a QProcess::start() or equivalent, aren't you?

Loïc Corbasson