>You can't remove the generic names (e.g. 'serif')... or at least if you
>can, it's a *very* bad idea.

Ok I will not do it. Thanks for the advice ;).

>It sounds like maybe your environment in Konsole is different from the
>environment your KDE session is running in. You might want to check that
>e.g. KDEHOME is set correctly in your shell session in Konsole.

Thanks ;) that solved my problem. I changed my "KDEHOME" var to "$HOME/.kde" in the "bashrc" and now all works fine ;).


2008/1/22, Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net>:
Percy Camilo Triveņo Aucahuasi wrote:
> I removed all the fonts of my sistem except dejavu fonts, but kde4 still
> request Sans Serif, so I don't know how to change the default font and avoid
> this behaviour when I run a progrem from konsole.

You can't remove the generic names (e.g. 'serif')... or at least if you
can, it's a *very* bad idea.

It sounds like maybe your environment in Konsole is different from the
environment your KDE session is running in. You might want to check that
e.g. KDEHOME is set correctly in your shell session in Konsole.

Ngx iqct zgg dxei zodt gf ngxk iqfrl.

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