On Thursday 08 November 2007, David Faure wrote: > I think that what people missed in this thread is that history is shared > among konqueror windows, which could be in different processes. So we do > need to write to the file immediately so that your url comboboxes all have > the new url in it (this isn't about statistics, it's about the url combo's > items). Well, more precisely: the new url is sent to other windows using > dcop/dbus, but if you open a new window (in a new process) it will read > from the kconfig file. So a 5 minutes autosave would just lead to bugs. > Using the hard drive for Inter Process Communication is not very efficient :( Couldn't the new process ask the old ones for the current url history and then if that fails read from the disk? /Kåre >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<