I didn't see that one. Thanks! I think that example should be in setMimeFilter too as it's a little more obvious to see there.

2007/8/27, Kevin Krammer < kevin.krammer@gmx.at>:

On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Elio Cuevas wrote:
> Thanks Carlo and Kevin. I was trying to follow the sugestion of the docs,
> that specifying mime types was the preferred way. The documentation doesn't
> say how to specify multiple mimetypes in a string. I tried:
> "image/png\nimage/jpeg", "image/png:image/jpeg", "image/png|image/jpeg" and
> many others, no luck. Maybe i should ignore the sugestion in the docs and
> use shell globs?

One of the examples at setFilter (second code box) is this:

kfile->setFilter( "image/png text/html text/plain" );

If it doesn't work as advertised there is either a bug in the code or in the
docs :)


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
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