
I have a problem in the playlist in amaroK:

1. I have the Jackson 5 Gold Album and have 2 CDs, so I tag Album with "Jackson 5 Gold Album" in the 2 cds.

2. Disc Number Tag, is tag "1" in the fist CD and the second with "2",

3. The tag "track number" in the first cd 1,2,3,etc and the same
in the second (so I have 2 tags with the track number 1 BUT diferent Disc number)

4. When I add the album (2 cds) in my play list start with the first track of the first disc. then change to the first track of the SECOND cd.
and then back to the first track of the first CD (and loop forever in that 2 tracks), this is WORNG

Hope you people understand my error (I'm from colombia so my english is poor)

This is not a tiny problem becouse that loop in that 2 tracks is CRAZY... :S



Mario Young

Mantis Technology Solutions
Teléfono: +507.  270.41.33
Movil: +507.  666.99.872
Correo Electrónico: mario@mantistechs.com
Sitio Web: http://www.mantistechs.com