In KDE 4 code, I can't get actions to apply to a whole dialog window - they only happen after clicking on a particular widget within the window. The dialog is subclassed from KDialog. Its constructor contains the following relevant code: KActionCollection* actions = new KActionCollection(this); actions->setAssociatedWidget(topLevelWidget()); actions->addAssociatedWidget(mListView); KStandardAction::selectAll(mListView, SLOT(selectAll()), actions); KStandardAction::deselect(mListView, SLOT(clearSelection()), actions); where mListView is a QTreeView widget contained within the dialog widget. When I click inside the QTreeView, the standard shortcuts ctrl-A and shift-ctrl-A work to (de)select view items. But the shortcuts don't work when the KDialog widget has focus without first clicking in the view. How can I get the shortcuts to apply to the window as a whole? -- David Jarvie. KAlarm author and maintainer. >> Visit to unsubscribe <<