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List:       kde-devel
Subject:    Re: fullscreen doesn't cover kicker
From:       Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad () users ! sourceforge ! net>
Date:       2006-11-02 16:31:44
Message-ID: eid6hg$u87$1 () sea ! gmane ! org
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David Jarvie wrote:
> On Wednesday 1 November 2006 21:23, wrote:

Huh? What happened to my name in that line? Or am I now known as 
"21:23"? ;-)

> > Unfortunately I am not sure how much support you will get on 3.x since 
> > the 3.x series is now closed (or so I understand).
> The 3.x series is only partly closed for new features. It is still open for bug \
> fixes - KDE 3.5.6 will be the next release. True, because many  people are working \
> on the future KDE 4, there may be less effort going into fixing KDE 3 bugs, but \
> things certainly aren't frozen.

Ok, I was wondering, and must've heard wrong... I thought I remembered 
someone saying 3.5.5 was the last 3.x release. Sorry. (Well then, there 
is still hope that http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115175 will be 
fixed before 4.x :-), that being the #1 thing that I find "broken" in 

$ kill bill
kill: can't find process "bill"

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