On Tuesday 06 June 2006 1:40 pm, Sean O'Brien wrote: > As far as naming is concerned, Gnome's scheme is cleaner and easier to figure > out than KDE's (for its core apps). Sometimes I do cringe after reading the > name of a KDE app because of the K prefix/suffix (who the hell wants to > type "amaroK instead of "amarok"?). However, the "K" prefix/suffix seems to > be used more frequently by KDE developers than Gnome developers use a > prefix "G" or the word "gnome"; I can tell that Kid3 or Kbilliards, for > example, are written for KDE. > > Why not stay consistent and call it "ksysmonitor" or "ksysmon", if the > word "guard" is a problem? I'll do that. I just thought that this was a perfect opportunity to move to, as you call it, a cleaner and easier to figure out naming system. greg >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<