hi Macho

The best things to do would be to use kdevelop.. it has a project
template for developing kicker applets..when  writing applets for KDE
I think the smart thing would be to use this template , becos it's the KDE way
of doing things. what is important to the user is not how the developer compiles the
module but how portable the applet package is and how easy it's to compile..
so Macho I recommend, you use the autotools ..good luck with kvorak


On 3/9/06, Macho Philipovich <macho@resist.ca > wrote:

hi there, i'm having trouble getting a basic kicker applet to work.  let
me know if there's a more appropriate place for this question.

i've put together a basic class that extends KPanelApplet, along with
the factory function.  i'm trying to compile up a couple of libraries as

g++ -c kvorak.cpp -I/usr/include/qt3 -I/usr/include/kde
g++ kvorak.o -shared -o libkvorak.so
ar rc libkvorak.la kvorak.o

then, for good measure, i made a dynamic link to both libraries in

after that, i created ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/kvorak.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Name = Kvorak
Comment = Kvorak Applet
X-KDE-Library = libkvorak
X-KDE-UniqueApplet = true

but the applet does not show up in kde's list.  any tips?  thanks.  i'm
running kde v3.5.1


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