On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 22:34:15 +0000, Frans Englich wrote: > > > [...] > > > I read about exceptions and like to use them in my KDE app to, but > > > first I'd like to hear the primary reasons why KDE didn't like > > > exceptions. > > > > Because C++ exceptions are evil. They were a stupid design decision > > that wasn't thought out and not actually implemented until many > > years after their conception. Wake up. Exceptions were a great invention and that's why all modern programming languages implement them. > > They are as a result impossible to support for compilers without > > serious trade-offs in either space or speed. (either 20% slower or > > the need to included debug-info to unwind. Compiling with exceptions > > does the same as using -g1) 20% slower? Ehm, yes.. if you use exceptions as a general mechanism how to return various types from functions then you are perhaps right. > > The short lesson in every C++ book except Stroustrups is: Don't use > > them! > > ..if the performance difference turns out to be significant. Exactly. And moreover; complex programs without exceptions might be slower because of addition code complexity required for non-trivial error handling. > Here's my advice: use exceptions where they design-wise make sense. If > actual numbers(profiling) shows that exceptions is The performance > bottle neck, first then go make the code less readable and > unmaintainable. And usually it's much harder to implement some non-local algorithm optimizations if the code is less readable. A clean and efficient design can increase the execution speed and decrease the memory footprint much more in comparison to the small exception overhead. Jozef -- jozef kosoru http://zyzstar.kosoru.com >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<