Hi! I'm attempting to port KDVI to Windows http://sourceforge.net/projects/qdvi by stripping out the kdelibs dependencies. I've made quite good progress over the last month or so, but I'd now like to stop unsermake from injecting #include #include into the .cpp files generated from the .ui ones. These files compile perfectly well without the added includes, so I'd like to get rid of 'em. unsermake appears to have a qtonly option: if not program.mfile.get_opt("qtonly"): rules.append("@echo '#include ' > %s" % (outputfile)) rules.append("@echo '#include ' >> %s" % (outputfile)) canon_source = utilities.canon_name(base) rules.append("@adir=`cd %s && pwd` ;\\" % sourcedir) However, the only place in kdegraphics' admin directory where unsermake is specified directly appears to be: admin/detect-autoconf.pl: $automake = "$unsermake -c" if $unsermake; changing this to $automake = "$unsermake -c -qtonly" if $unsermake; just results in the help info being displayed (doesn't matter whether I use -qtonly or --qtonly.) Can anyone put me straight? Regards, Angus >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<