On Tuesday 25 October 2005 01:00, Thomas Kadauke wrote: > I was just browsing through the API docs (of KDE trunk) and wondered if the > @internal tag prevents classes from being shown in the resulting API > documentation. If so, what is the point in documenting classes and tagging > them with @internal? Or is there a special doxygen switch to let internal > classes appear? It does, except if INTERNAL_DOCS = YES; if you take a look on EBN right now (say, http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/apidocs/apidox-kde-4.0/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/classKCalendarSystemHijri.html ) you will see that there, internal docs _are_ shown. For now, since I'm messing with the settings. If INTERNAL_DOCS = NO, then the things marked @internal are suppressed. I'd say that they _still_ need to be documented, so that they remain maintainable. > btw, is this actually the right list to ask questions like that, or is > there an "apidox"-mailing list? No. There's #ebn or #apidox on IRC for various chitchat. -- These are your friends - Adem GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<