Hello, Everyone I had started this thread over on the kde user list, but this is getting really wierd, so I suspect that I should bring it here. Some of this will make it sound like I haven't a clue about what I'm doing, but bear with me, I will do my best to describe things exactly as they actually occured. Please see the thread that I started over at the kde-user list to get the gist of how this problem first manifested itself: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde&m=112790830202987&w=2 After all of that, with me not doing anything that I know of, I began to be able to use both versions of Juk that I have installed. They are located at "/usr/bin/" and "/usr/local/kde-svn/bin/" This is the first odd thing: when I click one of the Juk icons on my desktop (all Juk icons are for the version that is in the "/usr/local/kde-svn/" path. This is the KDE that I export to in my "~/.bash_profile") the version that comes up is the "/usr/bin/" version, version 2.2.1. Also, "Help | About Juk" says that it is using 3.4.91. I don't know for sure, but I THINK that that might not be so odd. But why would "/usr/bin/juk" start up, when that is not the one that the icons point to? Stranger still, when I would run "/usr/bin/juk" from a command line, the version that came up was 2.3! That is the branch 3.5 version, which is installed at "/usr/local/kde-svn/bin/juk" "/usr/bin/juk" is the latest stable Juk, NOT the branch 3.5 version. So it seems kind of odd that when Juk finally started working for me (don't know why, it just started working) I would consistently get the wrong version of Juk. To clarify before I move on to my next point: "/usr/bin/juk" contains Juk 2.2.1 Running "/usr/bin/juk" from a terminal would start up Juk 2.3, which is Actually located at "/usr/local/kde-svn/bin/juk" "/usr/local/kde-svn/bin/juk" contains Juk 2.3 (the branch 3.5 version) Running "/usr/local/kde-svn/bin/juk" from a terminal would start up Juk 2.2.1, which is Actually located at "/usr/bin/juk" So I came home from work, installed "kdebase" which I had compiled while I was gone. Just in case, I did "/sbin/telinit 1" and then "/sbin/telinit 5" Logged back into KDE, and guess what? The Branch 3.5 version of Juk crashes EXACTLY like it was crashing before I left for work. I can't remember for sure if Juk 2.3 was still working WHEN I got home from work, but if it was, it did not last long. I think that the commands that I use in my "~/.bash_profile" to set my Branch 3.5 KDE install to be the one I log in to could be of help to you: 21 QTDIR=/usr/local/qt-src 22 PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH 23 MANPATH=$QTDIR/doc/man:$MANPATH 24 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 25 export QTDIR PATH MANPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH 26 27 KDEDIR=/usr/local/kde-svn 28 PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH 29 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 30 LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 31 export KDEDIR PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBRARY_PATH This has always worked before. Also, Juk is the only application that I have found so far that is acting like this. If you want a backtrace, the one from my original message on this thread is the same as the ones that have come up since Juk went back to ceasing to work. But, here is a link to revised output from when I start Juk from a terminal: http://www.afolkey2.net/juk-TerminalOutput.txt Further, I just discovered the wonders of "kdebugdialog --fullmode" But, I haven't been able to find the files that were produced, if any. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask. And if I learn anything else, I'll let you know. Steven P. Ulrick >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<