Hi, I'm just wondering if we should create a new widget style for KDE4 which makes it look more exclusive as Plastik does. I really like the Plastik style but it's nothing outstanding or something you remember well, if you have seen it once. I mean everybody who sees MaxOS X with its Aqua/Brushed Metal style remembers it because of its unique style. What I want is that a screenshot or any presentation of a KDE4 desktop should be as easy to recognize as a KDE just like it is now with MacOS X. With this idea in mind I found the following screenshot on KDE-Look.org: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eriollsdesigns/various/fake-panel%20setup.jpg Its not as exclusive as Aqua/Brushed Metal it but it still has an unique look. What do you think? Greets Florian >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<