A Dissabte 04 Juny 2005 18:53, Wilfried Huss va escriure: > Am Saturday 04 June 2005 18:17 schrieb Albert Astals Cid: > > A Dissabte 04 Juny 2005 17:14, Stefan Kebekus va escriure: > > > I just learned from Wilfried Huss that you (Aaron Seigion, Zack Rusin) > > > have posed the "Google Summer of Code" task to write "join the > > > functionality of KPDF, KGhostview and KDVI in a single shell". I am a > > > little surprised that I, as the maintainer of KDVI was not informed > > > about this, in particular, since Wilfried Huss and me have been working > > > on a unified viewer for quite a while now, and have already produced a > > > good viewer, with a > > > well-documented API that already supports 3 file types. > > > > Well, that's probably a fault in my part, i suggested the "bounty" to > > Zack, and forgot to tell you where working actively on kdvi. > > > > The problem is that we have two viewer shells that are "expandable", kdvi > > beign one and kpdf beign other (you can already open all image file > > formats kimgio supports on kpdf) so one has "to die" if we want to have a > > unified shell. > > KViewShell can open DVI, FAX, and DjVu-Files. > > Why does a document viewer needs to open pictures? It does not need, you'll notice you can open ONLY pdf files from kpdf, if you want to open images you need to use kpdf foo.png from the shell. i just did it as a proof of concept that we could open other things different of pdf. But on the other said AFAIK a fax is nothing more than a tiff that is an image, right? > You may know that I have contacted you about a possible collaboration a few > months ago, nothing came out of it. Yes, i remember it, i would not say i was the only guilty of making it fail, but even if i was, does it matter? > And I replyed to a post of Enrico Ros on kde-graphics-devel on the future > of KPDF with another offer to combine our efforts. No one even answerd. > http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-graphics-devel/2005-February/000095.html > Some things I said in this post about KViewShell are not valid anymore. For > example we now support documents with more then one papersizes. > > So I don't understand what is different know? Nothing is different now, i'm not going to do any work of it. > That Google drops some money? And that atracts other person completely unrelated to me to work on it? Your sentence seems to imply i'm doing something wrong that now google is offering money? Could you please explain it? > > The thing is "do the person that implements the unified shell has to use > > kpdf or kdvi as a base?" i don't know, the bounty text says to use kpdf > > but i assume that is because Zack has not used kdvi lately and has seen > > how much it has matured. > > > > Piotr Szymanski (Niedakh on irc djurban username in svn iirc) wants to > > implement that bounty, i think we should leave him decide which shell he > > prefers to work on/expand and ask his questions. > > Will he also maintain it after the bounty? Why do you ask it to me and not to the two messages he has sent to the list? Albert (who does not understand the beligerancy kdvi devels seem to have against him) > > Greetings, > Wilfried. > > >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to > >> unsubscribe << ______________________________________________ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<