A Dissabte 04 Juny 2005 17:14, Stefan Kebekus va escriure: > Hi, HI > I just learned from Wilfried Huss that you (Aaron Seigion, Zack Rusin) have > posed the "Google Summer of Code" task to write "join the functionality of > KPDF, KGhostview and KDVI in a single shell". I am a little surprised that > I, as the maintainer of KDVI was not informed about this, in particular, > since Wilfried Huss and me have been working on a unified viewer for quite > a while now, and have already produced a good viewer, with a > well-documented API that already supports 3 file types. Well, that's probably a fault in my part, i suggested the "bounty" to Zack, and forgot to tell you where working actively on kdvi. The problem is that we have two viewer shells that are "expandable", kdvi beign one and kpdf beign other (you can already open all image file formats kimgio supports on kpdf) so one has "to die" if we want to have a unified shell. The thing is "do the person that implements the unified shell has to use kpdf or kdvi as a base?" i don't know, the bounty text says to use kpdf but i assume that is because Zack has not used kdvi lately and has seen how much it has matured. Piotr Szymanski (Niedakh on irc djurban username in svn iirc) wants to implement that bounty, i think we should leave him decide which shell he prefers to work on/expand and ask his questions. Albert > Since I have only limited time, I would very much like to support others > working on the problem of a unified viewer. I would like to ask, however, > what will become of my contributions to KDVI. I am working on the project > as a volunteer, and invest a substantial amount of my rare spare time, I am > naturally worried about duplicating functionality in KDE. My motivation to > work for the KDE project would be near zero if I need to fear that one > morning I will have to learn that a student with more time than me re-did > all the programming I did the last months in his summer vacation, and that > all my efforts were worthless, just because someone didn't care enough to > write an e-mail to me explaining their intentions. > > Assuming that you are no persons who like to frustrate others, or who > simply don't care, I suggest that we keep in touch, so that duplicated > programming efforts can be avoided. Do you agree to that? Do you believe > that we can find a modus vivendi where everyone can contribute, or do you > believe that people like me who have only limited time should better not > work for the KDE project? > > Can we agree on a transition process that will preserve the work that I > plan to do in the next few monthes (good printing support for DJVU, > bookmark support for KDVI (mostly done), some more) will not be lost? Do > you already have a well-documented API that one could use? How much of the > API that I have documented recently do you plan to use? > > Do you plan to keep that DCOP-interface of KDVI that is used, e.g. by KILE? > How do you plan to integrate forward/inverse search? > > Best, > > Stefan. ______________________________________________ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<