Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB has released version 2.1 of KD Executor; our tool for testing and automation. We are proud to make available a free version of this to the KDE community. (Free as in beer, not as in speech). What is KD Executor =================== KD Executor is a record and playback tool for Qt and KDE applications. In addition, it contains a test environment which uses this record and playback tool for testing Qt and KDE applications. Where to download it? ===================== The KD Executor community edition is available from http://www.kdab.net/?page=products&sub=kdexecutor-kde-edition KD Executor mailing list ========================= There is a mailing list dedicated to KD Executor discussions available at http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/mailman/listinfo/kdexecutor-interest What's new ====================== JavaScript scripts The most important new feature in 2.1 is it's capability to record scripts as JavaScript code (as implemented by QSA), rather than XML files. A considerable amount of work has been put into making the scripts as terse and editable as possible, so this should take your KD Executor experience to a new level, where maintaining the scripts by hand is now possible. See the user manual for details on how to make the scripts as short and manageable as possible. Old scripts will still work without problems, so you can now gradually move your scripts to javascript on a need to re-record basis. Other enhancements It is now possible to record a script piece from within the KD Executor shell, these script pieces can at a later point be played back as parts of other scripts. Drag and drop events can now be recorded on UNIX/Linux. It is now possible to tell KD Executor that certain events should simply be ignored if the widgets they are sent to are not found. This ensures that a script can continue to live even in the case that the mouse at recording time moved over a widget that at playback time does not exist any more. KD Executor can now terminate an application that hangs in an endless loop after a specified timeout. Test cases can now be created without recording a script. This allows writing scripts manually from scratch. The sorting order of test cases has been improved. In the example directory you will now find a number of examples describing KD Executor - see the README file for details. The complete list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file shipped with KD Executor. -- David Faure -- faure@kde.org, dfaure@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se Qt/KDE/KOffice developer Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<