Hi everyone, Basically, I'm thinking of something like this for such bounties/pledges UI:
Issue#:           56777

Feature:          Delete email attachement within KMail

BugZilla:         #12134   #12349

Approved:         [ ] Not reviewed  [ ] Pending  [x] Approved

Difficulty:       7/10  [1:easy - 9:hard]

Estimated time:   3 weeks [days/weeks/months]

Number of votes:  40

Total pledges:    1310$ USD - 20 Euro

| Name       |   USD    |   Euro   |  Target  |  Conditional date  |   
Comment                           |
| User1      |     5    |          |   Dev    |       None         |  Please 
| User2      |  1000    |          |   Dev    |      05/2005       |  I need 
this ASAP                   |
| User2      |   200    |          |   Dev    |      12/2005       |  At 
least for x-mas plz!            |
| User3      |   100    |          | KDE e.V. |   22/05/2005       |  I need 
this before final exams!    |
| User4      |     0    |    20    | KDE e.V. |       None         |  That 
would be nice                 |

Available KDE developpers:

| Name       |   USD    |   Euro   |   Comment                               
| Dev1       |  5000    |          |  I'm quite busy doing Z but could spend 
some time on it  |
| Dev2       |  2000    |          |  I have some time next week to look 
into it              |

Now          22/05/2005    23/05/2005   01/06/2005   31/12/2005    
1310           1310          1210          210          210           10     
  20             20            20           20           20            20    

Amount over 500$ would go in "www.escrow.com", a bit like this: http://www.codeweavers.com/site/compatibility/browse/name?app_id=385;pledge=1 If it works for Wine, CodeWeavers and many SourceForge projects, it could work for other OSS projects too. If explicit pledges are a no go like Dilbert PHB would say, [http://www.google.com/dilbert.html] we could have a list of "available kde volunteers" that could be contacted privately... to do some work on KDE. Just my 2 cents. Fred. >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<