On 09.Mär 2005 - 14:29:59, Andreas Pakulat wrote: > Hi, > > could it be that getting a signal when a KMdiChildView looses focus > (i.e. I switch to another view in the tabbar) isn't possible? Actually > getting the lostFocus signal is fine, but when changing the view via > choosing another tab I get 2 activated and 2 lostFocus signals. Even > worse the KMdiChildview* parameter points to the same view everytime > the signal is emitted. > > Is this expected behaviour? Then how can I disconnect from the old > view and reconnect to the new view, when chaning the view? (I mean > disconnect signals from slots of the view)? I tried to use > viewActivated and viewDeactivated from KMdiMainFrm, but only > viewActived is emitted when chaning the view (i.e. the slot connected > to viewDeactivated is never called). Then I tried with activated and > lostFocus of the KMdiChildView, but as I said above I never get a > lostFocus signal from the "old view". I don't want to dive into the > source of KMdi just to figure this out. Nobody with an idea? Or is the above too much to read or too confusing? Okay, let me try to boil it down into 1 sentence: When sitching KMdiChildViews, via the tab the "old" view doesn't emit a lostFocus or deactivated signal and the "new" view emits (in this order) a gotFocus/activated Signal, a lostFocus signal a gotFocus/activated Signal and another lostFocus signal. Note that if I connect a slot to deactived signal, it's never called, but slots connected activated, gotFocus or lostFocus are. If nobody answers this, I'll file a bug report with kmdi and try to have a look into the sources (maybe I find the problem...) Andreas -- You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier. >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<