Am Thursday 24 February 2005 18:17 schrieb Sean Lynch: Hi! To start with: mails with showstopper in the subject near the release date are normal. I appreciate each and everyone caring for the release quality, but I would like everyone to remind on the meaning of the word: From A noun 1 show-stopper, showstopper, stopper an act so striking or impressive that the show must be delayed until the audience quiets down 2 show-stopper, showstopper something that is strikingly attractive or has great popular appeal; "she has a show-stopper of a smile"; "the brilliant orange flowers against the green foliage were a showstopper" So it's in general a good thing. Keep that in mind if you read showstopper mails. > be shifted on desktop startup, as well as anytime you hide and show a kicker > panel. ... if you have a lot of them - not affecting most users aka no show stopper. > > > > > The last 2 are related in a way. The problem is some dialogs (not limited to, > but include the Bookmarks menu.. whether from the menubar in konq, right > click on desktop, or from the Menu), and the copy-to dialog (which is a > specific bug above) can take up the full screen. A temporary solution may be > to use the More.. -> at the bottom like the quick browser has (but 63155 has > a screenshot of this). Ah, wishlist items reported before KDE 3.2 are KDE 3.4 show stoppers? Sorry, I have to disappoint you here. Especially as kuick is an addon you can deinstall easily without loosing anything else but kuick's functionality. > > > > This is a xinerama bug, which might be hard to get a showstopper > classification, but is a problem for those who run it, especially when you You name it. > > > > This is more of a usability showstopper to me, but I'm sure some might Well, usability problems of that class are per se no show stopper. > > Anyways, thought I'd throw these out there for review, as from using KDE > daily, I know some workarounds, but to a new/less experienced KDE user, they > would be frustrating/problematic. There will be releases after this one. Greetings, Stephan >> Visit to unsubscribe <<