Dnia środa, 9 lutego 2005 17:32, Luke-Jr napisał: > > You're comparing OS X (easilly the simplest and prettiest UI in the OS > market) with Windows (easilly the most confusing and ugliest UI in the > OS market). I don't know anybody running KDE in OS X. The switch here is > mainly from "good UI" (KDE) to "better/best UI" (OS X). The underlying > kernel/userland is trivial in comparison to the UI, in such "conversion" > cases. I know some people running KNode on MOX. Looks like there is no good Usenet reader for this OS. m. -- LaTeX + Vim = http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/ Vim Universal Templates http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1078 CLEWN - http://clewn.sf.net >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<