On Wednesday 26 January 2005 02:36, Gary Cramblitt wrote: > When the user clicks a test button in KTTS, it speaks the following test > message: > > KDE is a modern graphical desktop for Unix computers. > > mhunter recently changed this to > > KDE is a modern graphical desktop for UNIX computers. > > Why? The KDE home page says This is good for flames ;) UNIX is an OpenGroup Tandemark and as such, Linux, any BSD (including Darwin), HP-UX, AIX, IRIS, Solaris,... are /not/ UNIX, but as UNIX compatible Systems, they're all Unices and each is a Unix. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix Now flame me ;) Thomas btw, afaik KDE is not limited to Unices, e.g. when running it on Cygwin (Window$ is /no/ Unix, that is for sure!) -- Think, think different. But essentially: Think! >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<