Hello, First off, I am relatively new to GUI coding in C++. I've done some internal CLI apps, but my kicker applet is my 'learning experience' in doing some real GUI coding; thankfully QT and KDE has made it very easy to learn, and using PyQT|KDE was a great help in getting my feet wet. So, thanks to the Devs all around. :) My question is this: how would I go about making a applet menu line-up with the top or bottom of the kicker (like KMenu) depending on where the kicker is on the desktop. I have it working *if* my kicker is at the top of the screen, since I just take the height of the kicker, then mapToGlobal() using that as an offset. My problem is, I can't figure out how to get my menu's size (which is dynamically created) so I can correctly offset (kicker height + menu height) the top of the menu. I've tried grabbing the PopupMenu's QRect, but the dimensions on that seem to be very whacked...using them, the menu popped up quite a bit away from the kicker. I deleted that code, or else I'd paste it here. I'm not concerned about vertical panels at the moment; I'll figure those out after I get the 'normal' horizontal menu working. Is there another way I am not finding in the docs? I'm not asking for 100% code example, only a nudge in what methods and such I should be looking at. I learn by doing. :) Thanks. Randy C. >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<