--Boundary-00=_C+X3A9P/d7JqrCk Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1";boundary="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline ____________________________________________________________________ Miert fizetsz az internetert? Korlatlan, ingyenes internet hozzaferes a FreeStarttol. Probald ki most! http://www.freestart.hu kedd 22 j=FAnius 2004 06:36 de d=E1tummal Michael Pyne ezt =EDrta: > Hi all, > > After reading about a patch to the build system libtool script to enable > the LDFLAGS=3D-Wl,--as-needed command to work, I added it to my build > routine, and it's worked well for me so far. > > However, recently I got an error starting up KBugBuster that seems to have > been caused by that, and I was wondering if anyone else has received that, > or knows any workarounds. I suspect an error in binutils because the > problem was solved by resetting LDFLAGS, but I figure it's worth a shot. > > The specific error was a relocation error trying to find > _ZTV14KBookmarkOwner, which is the vtable for KBookmarkOwner according to > c++filt. > OK, as I wrote before, I didn't notice the problem - until I tried to start= =20 KBugBuster. It is interesting if I put all the static libraries in the=20 Makefile.am before the shared libraries, it works. So attached a patch whic= h=20 work-arounds the problem. The $(LIB_KIO) addition is for extra safety, the= =20 solution is changing the order of the libs.=20 I think It is definietely a linker bug. --Boundary-00=_C+X3A9P/d7JqrCk Content-Type: text/x-diff;charset="iso-8859-1";name="kbb-make.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="kbb-make.diff" LS0tIE1ha2VmaWxlLmFtCTIwMDQtMDYtMjYgMTU6NDA6NDIuNzYxMTQ5ODcyICswMjAwCisrKyBN YWtlZmlsZS5hbX4JMjAwNC0wNi0yNiAxNTozMjoyMC4wMDAwMDAwMDAgKzAyMDAKQEAgLTksOCAr OSw4IEBACiBiaW5fUFJPR1JBTVMgPSBrYnVnYnVzdGVyCiAKIGtidWdidXN0ZXJfU09VUkNFUyA9 IG1haW4uY3BwCi1rYnVnYnVzdGVyX0xEQUREICAgPSAkKExJQl9LSFRNTCkgLWxrdXRpbHMgZ3Vp L2xpYmtiYm1haW53aW5kb3cubGEgXAotICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgYmFja2VuZC9saWJr YmJiYWNrZW5kLmxhCitrYnVnYnVzdGVyX0xEQUREICAgPSAtbGt1dGlscyBndWkvbGlia2JibWFp bndpbmRvdy5sYSBcCisgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBiYWNrZW5kL2xpYmtiYmJhY2tlbmQu bGEgJChMSUJfS0hUTUwpICQoTElCX0tJTykgCiBrYnVnYnVzdGVyX0xERkxBR1MgPSAkKGFsbF9s aWJyYXJpZXMpICQoS0RFX1JQQVRIKQogCiB4ZGdfYXBwc19EQVRBID0ga2J1Z2J1c3Rlci5kZXNr dG9wCg== --Boundary-00=_C+X3A9P/d7JqrCk Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe << --Boundary-00=_C+X3A9P/d7JqrCk--