Hi, My company is actually looking for fews positions in software development. As we are willing to use Qt Technology and to integrate our software within KDE framework, I take advantage of the Developper mailing list to presents the opportunity. First, I would like to present our job. For that, I guess that a simple copy of the company statement will give you a nice presentation of our objectives: Company location: Market Context Certess is building a software product for the microelectronics industry. This product will help companies improve the functional verification of integrated circuits. Functional verification is performed before the integrated circuit is fabricated. Certess will also offer services which compliment our technology for improving the functional verification of integrated circuits. Our customers use or design integrated circuits. Business Charter We will develop and apply innovative processes enabling dynamic growth of our company. We will resolve our customer's integrated circuit development challenges. We are committed to balancing the needs of all stakeholders while achieving competitive financial returns. We do not compromise relationships for financial gain. We do not pursue military contracts because of the uncontrolled nature of arms distribution. We do not use illegal copies of software tools. We observe the 2002 IEEE Code of Ethics. We work to develop innovative solutions to integrated circuit development challenges. We address current client needs through win-win relationship building. Management recognises that work is one aspect of a whole person. We manage by objective. We present a clear statement of company ethics, vision, culture, mission and strategy. Job offer We are actually seeking for 2 software engineers (Master degree or equivalent) with 5 years of experience, a deep knowledge of C++ (Qt and KDE). Candidates should be able to deploy innovative/efficient solution to our problems: distribute computing, Language parsing, pattern matching in AST tree, Programming Language manipulation (instrumenting source code), Distributed GUI approach to complement weakness of Qt/KDE (Yes there is some... even so KDE is close to perfection IMHO). Well, the positions are deeply technical. Knowledge in microelectronics would be appreciated but not required. Due to our time constraint, immediate availability is really a strong consideration. The actual team is multi-cultural (German, French, Irish, New-Zealander), therefor English is a must. Obviously, speaking French would help as working in France without knowing the language is somehow a trouble for daily life. Please send response with CV, motivation letter and reference to Qt/KDE job you participate to. Best Regards Stéphane PETITHOMME PS: All my apologize to those that receive this message and are not directly concerned by the content. -- Stéphane PETITHOMME --------------------------------------------------- e-mail:stephane.petithomme@certess.com Tél: +33 4 76 50 54 01 Fax: +33 4 76 50 54 03 347, rue Aristide Bergès Parc d'Activités de Centr'Alp 38340 Voreppe FRANCE This e-mail message is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain confidential and or privileged information.  If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, you should not read, copy, forward or otherwise distribute or further disclose the information in it. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please contact Certess SARL at telephone number +33 4 76 50 54 02, fax number +33 4 76 50 54 03 or contact the originator of this e-mail message via e-mail and delete all copies of this message from your computer or network, thank you. >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<