I was looking at KPackage (to fix BR 54737) and the whole application is somewhat lacking in copyrights or licenses: there is no COPYING file specific to it. In addition: beans.ebn.kun.nl$egrep -i '\(C\)|Copyright' *.cpp main.cpp: "(c) 1999-2001, Toivo Pedaste"); so none of the files includes license information. I'd like to add at least a header to fbsdInterface.cpp as I work on 54737. Alex, you are the original author of that file? Shall I put you in as the author and copyright holder in that file? -- pub 1024D/FEA2A3FE 2002-06-18 Adriaan de Groot If the door is ajar, can we fill it with door-jamb? >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<