I just built a fresh KDE-HEAD (cvs update from last night), completely clean (rm -rf /usr/local/kde beforehand), against qt-copy from yesterday. I notice the following two bits of weirdness: [first run of KDE] In KPersonalizer, it starts with keramik + a yellowish color scheme for the window decorations. After page 4, which is where you can chose keramik as decoration, the color scheme changes to bluish. Is this intentional? Konqueror insists on asking me whether it should open "about:konqueror" when I start it from Kicker. I suppose I could click the "do not ask again" box, but I think a browser should be able to display its own about: page without user intervention. -- Adriaan de Groot adridg@cs.kun.nl Kamer A6020 024-3652272 GPG Key Fingerprint 934E 31AA 80A7 723F 54F9 50ED 76AC EE01 FEA2 A3FE http://www.cs.kun.nl/~adridg/research/ >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<