Hi, I have finished a new version of KNetworkConf, please download and test it: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/knetworkconf/knetworkconf-0.5beta1.tar.bz2?download This version uses Gnome System tools (http://www.gnome.org/projects/gst/) network backend to figure out the network info. You don't have to have gst installed, the backend is included with KNetworkConf. This version works with Mandrake, Red Hat, Debian, SuSE, PLD and Turbolinux (the distros gst supports). I only have tested it in mandrake 9.1 and red hat 9, so please users of other distros use it and report any problems. Features: - Configure network devices. - Enable/disble network devices. - Configure defult gateway and gateway device. - Configure DNS servers, domain name and machine name. - Edit /etc/hosts file (known hosts). If you want to see KNetworkConf working in more distros and os'es like FreeBSD or Solaris, don't ask me but the gst team (http://www.gnome.org/projects/gst/team.html) , or better, help them adding support for new platforms to the network backend, as the maintainer seems to be very busy these days. The backend is made in perl, so I suppose for any person with perl experience (I don't have any) will not have much of a trouble working with it. Cheers, -- Juan Luis Baptiste M. http://www.merlinux.org http://knetworkconf.sf.net >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<