Dirk Schönberger írta: >>No, you don't have to do it. Simply copy the QT image plugin to >>plugin_dir/imageformats and your new image format are usable immediately >>both in KDE and QT applications! It's like the designer, sql and style >>plugins. No registration, or anything else needed. See: >>http://doc.trolltech.com/3.2/plugins-howto.html >>Also converting from the kimageio plugins to qt plugins is very easy (I >>did it on all the plugins in three hours). > > > A I see. I didn't know the new kind of plugins, I only knew the old > qimageio where you had to explicitly call the register methods. > Thanks for the link. > However, I am still not quite sure about if this really useable. > The documentation talks about a "build key" which is used to discriminate > between "legal" and "illegal" plugins. It will refuse to load "illegal > plugins". > Because I would like to package my plugin as part of KSVG (opposed to Qt or > kdelibs/kdecore), how can I be sure that my plugin is considered "legal". > Is > the "build key" part of the Qt major version? minor version? build time? > > Regards > Dirk > > > >>Regards, >>György The build key is to detect binary incompatibility due to system and compiler differences. It mainly consists of the system name and compiler version. In theory if 2 buildkeys are different, the 2 files are binary incompatible, so it cannot be used together. (For example if you build QT with gcc2.96 and the plugins with gcc3.2, than the buildkeys should be different - in theory). If you (or the user) compile your KSVG and the ImageIO plugins with the same compiler as he/she compiled QT and KDE, than the buildkeys should not be a problem. György >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<