From kde-devel Wed Sep 03 17:41:14 2003 From: crypt () ihug ! co ! nz Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 17:41:14 +0000 To: kde-devel Subject: is it time to move kpovmodeller ? X-MARC-Message: Back a while ago there was a call to move kpovmodeller to its own package. Is this a good time for that to be done. The aguments at the time where that it was huge compared to anything else in the module and was ratehr specialised. As it is I can't see how any of these arguments are any less relevant now. In my consideration it is past time that it was moved into its own package especially when you consider that it is over 2.5 times as big as the next biggest item in kdegraphics and is almost as big as the entire kdeutils package. Comments anyone. Joe. -- ======================================================================= in real life: Joseph Skinner |There's no such thing as a wizard email: |who minds his own business Analyst/Programmer | - Berengis the Black | Court Mage to the Earls Caeline ======================================================================== >> Visit to unsubscribe <<