> On Wednesday 20 August 2003 13.25, Tim Jansen wrote: > > > - you did not compile Qt with QT_QSTRING_UCS_4. In other words, QChar has 2 > > bytes and not 4. You can check that at compile time, a sizeof(QChar) should > > be enough Above option is rather experimental as I don't think that the rest of QChar/QString (tables, conversions etc.) are ready to handle 32 bit chars. > Write strings to file. I'm iteration through the strings, using > QDataStream.writeRawBytes(string[i], sizeof(QChar)). Don't use the address of the string itself but the unicode() function ! > Then I mmap() the file into the process, and I have a list of offsets to > each string within the file. I create QConstString objects under the assumption > that each character is sizeof(QChar). Sounds doable. The only possible problem could be a difference in endianess or alignment (less likely). Harri. -- COMPUTERBILD 15/03: Premium-e-mail-Dienste im Test -------------------------------------------------- 1. GMX TopMail - Platz 1 und Testsieger! 2. GMX ProMail - Platz 2 und Preis-Qualitätssieger! 3. Arcor - 4. web.de - 5. T-Online - 6. freenet.de - 7. daybyday - 8. e-Post >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<