Hello all, When browsing with konqueror, I really love using tabs. Something I'm missing though is a shortcut to access a tab quickly. In GNOME, mozilla and windows, it's possible to quickly switch tab with and . This seems to work for all tab widgets. In konsole it is possible to switch tab with and . and are used for scrolling up and down whole pages at a time. gnome-terminal does not seem to have a shortcut for this. In Qt and KDE, tab often have an accelerator (alt+letter) for accessing a tab. For consistent quick access to tabs in konqueror, this approach could be followed. The easiest way of adding accelerators to tabs would be to number the tabs and access them with alt-1 etc. The tab number should be preceded with the tab number, which costs a bit of space on the tab bar. What do you think of this approach? >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<