On Monday 21 July 2003 11:24, Guillaume Laurent wrote: > The idea of setting up a Wiki has been discussed several times already, and > although it has never been put into application, I'm among those who think > it would be a very good thing. After using the wikipedia (a free encyclopedia on wiki basis - http://www. wikipedia.org) I am convinced that a good KDE wiki could become THE information source about KDE (development). The wikipedia proved two things for me: a wiki does not have to look ugly (in particular the links don't use the hardToReadCamelStyle) and that literally thousands of contributers can work together productivly. > On the other hand, due to the lack of strong editing features (all you have > is your usual browser's multiline text field), Wiki isn't suitable for > large documents. Editing something more than a page long quickly gets very > tedious, so you have to break things up in smaller pieces. AFAIK the wikipedia CVS version allows editing sections. FWIW, Marco >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<