Chris Nuernberger wrote: > The company I work at currently uses the spidermonkey javascript engine > in our application. We have had a LOT of problems with its garbage > collection and in general the kruftiness of the code (the mating between > our application and the engine looks like donkey doo). These issues > have lead to less than impressive performance. > > I would LOVE to try out KJS in our app, but I am would like some jump > start info. Hi.. I am far from an expert on this; but unfortunately due to the high number of off-topic posts many experts don't watch this list all that much, so I'll try my best to give you at least some info.. I think a good place for more detailed inquiries would be the kfm-devel mailing list. Again, disclaimer: my familiarity with all this is just general background stuff. First of all, if you don't know, KJS is standalone from Qt and KDE, and its only dependency outside of C++ is libpcre.. > Are there ANY tutorials or test apps where KJS is used completely > outside of anything else KDE? I suppose there are not and I can deal There are some test programs in kdelibs/kjs (see the check_PROGRAMS and extra_PROGRAMS) target; as well as testkjs.cpp, I've skimmed through them, and they do seem like a good intro to basics > with that, but I would like an example somewhere of its use (if it is in > konqueror, that's cool). There are 2 places I know of that use it. One is the JavaScript DOM bindings in KHTML, they are in kdelibs/khtml/ecma (that also has the JavaScript debugger). Another is kjsembed, in kdebindings/kjsembed Also note that there are some API differences between the HEAD version and the 3.1.x one; I don't know what exactly (and the degree to which Apple's version is different). -Maksim >> Visit to unsubscribe <<