-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Wednesday 18 June 2003 01:17, Waldo Bastian wrote: > I think the criteria for the frame should be: > * When the clock background matches the kicker background: no frame > * All other cases: a frame makes sense... > Since everyone seems to be very concerned about the clock these days, it heh... isn't obsession great? ;-) > would also be nice if the Date/Timezone indication would be using proper > colors. Currently the date-text uses the color that is configured for the > time-text, but the background of the data-text differs from the time-text, > so one may be readable while the other one is not. > Either the date-text > should not use the color configured for the time-text, this is how it was originally and i actually found it very useful. why? it allowed me to set the date to a different colour than the clock which made it _easy_ to visually discern where the date was and the time was ... in fact, this may even be a good default set up to explore.. in any case, having the date colour configurable was far more useful than the frame configuration ever was IMHO .... > or the background of > the date-text should match with the background of the rest of the clock. wouldn't this look odd unless the frame encompassed the date as well? - -- Aaron J. Seigo GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43 KDE: The 'K' is for 'kick ass' http://www.kde.org http://promo.kde.org/3.1/feature_guide.php -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE+8L/p1rcusafx20MRAk0FAKCOt7s7E/FCLD7U84zxiidMl6mSsQCeKXPt 1tZqS8gu94K25JzA9CuOJHw= =trnb -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<