FontConfig HOWTO {Beta 1} To install from source: 1. Install the latest version of FreeType2 with: --prefix=/usr/local 2. Remove these files and directories: /usr/X11R6/bin/freetype-config /usr/X11R6/include/freetype2/ /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.* You may get very odd build errors if you don't remove them. BUT, DO NOT remove anything in: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/ 3. Be sure that the directory: /usr/local is in your: "" file and execute: "ldconfig". 4. Unpack the FCPackage tarball in: "/usr/src/". There are 4 separate packages in it: fontconfig Xft {this is Xft-2} Xft1 Xrender which need to be installed separately. 5. Install: "fontconfig": cd /usr/src/fcpackage.2_x/fontconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-freetype-includes=/usr/local/include/freetype2 make make install ldconfig 6. Install: "Xft": cd /usr/src/fcpackage.2_x/Xft ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-freetype-includes=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \ --with-fontconfig-includes=/usr/X11R6/include make Then before you install, remove the old files:: /usr/X11R6/lib/* Then: make install ldconfig 7. Edit the file: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/X11.tmpl [yes that is the file that says: DO NOT EDIT] Change the line: #define Freetype2Dir /usr to: #define Freetype2Dir /usr/local so that it indicates the correct location for FreeType2. 8. Install: "Xft1": cd /usr/src/fcpackage.2_x/Xft1 xmkmf -a -DHasFreetype2 -DUseFreetype2 make make install ldconfig 9. Install "Xrender" cd /usr/src/fcpackage.2_x/Xrender xmkmf -a -DHasFreetype2 -DUseFreetype2 make make install ldconfig 10. Then you need to rebuild Qt-3.1.0. NOTE: I use this command line for configuring Qt-3.1.0. ./configure -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include \ -system-zlib -qt-gif -system-libpng -system-libjpeg \ -system-libmng -thread -no-xinerama -no-g++-exceptions \ If you don't want to use the system library for JPEG, PNG, &/| MNG, make the necessary changes. If you have installed FreeType2 in: "/usr/local/", the paramater: "-I/usr/local/include" is necessary for Qt to autodetect Xft. I'm not certain about using: "-L/usr/local/lib" but it doesn't hurt. You should check for any old cache files in your font directories, remove them, and then execute [as root]: fc-cache -v to make new caches. You might need to edit the: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf" configuration file. If so, note that when you run: "fc-cache" that it searches the directories recursivly, so you only need the directory at the root of font trees. Specifically: If you have installed KDE in a directory other than: "/usr/" you need to add a directory path for the fonts installed by Konsole. For example if you installed in the default: "/usr/kde3/" then add: /usr/kde3/share/fonts Don't bother running: "fc-cache" yet since it won't do any good (see below) If you have locally installed fonts under KDE, then you need to add: ~/.kde/share/fonts and then execute for each user: fc-cache -v Then we come to the font problem with Konsole. The current version of FontConfgure apparently does not deal with gzipped fonts, so you don't get the correct bit-mapped fonts in Konsole. To fix this: cd $KDEDIR/share/fonts gunzip 9x15.pcf.gz mkfontdir cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc gunzip 5x7.pcf.gz 6x10.pcf.gz 7x13.pcf.gz 10x20.pcf.gz mkfontdir then execute [as root]: fc-cache -v